Spiagge per cani a Lussino

Your beloved pets are going to enjoy the beaches on Lošinj, which are specially created for them, and the pet owners will be able to carelessly plan their family holiday.

Apart from the list of dog-friendly beaches on Lošinj and surrounding islands, in the text we are bringing you a couple of detailed suggestions to make your vacation with your dog as carefree as possible:

  • Rules for dogs on the ferry and catamaran lines
  • Advice for choosing accommodation
  • 9 tips on how to relieve dogs from the heat
  • How to recognize a heat stroke in dogs and what to do
  • Veterinarian contact on Lošinj
  • Sports activities with dogs and what to look out for
  • What to do when you get back home from vacation

Dog-friendly beaches on the map are found on multiple locations on Lošinj, but they also exist on the islands of Susak, Unije and Ilovik. We bring you a list of all pet-friendly beaches down below. When you arrive on Lošinj, or on one of the other islands, you will recognize these beaches by signs that include a symbol of a dog or by a flag with the logo of a dog bone on a blue-green-yellow background:

1. Mali Lošinj:

  • inbetween the beach Veli Žal and Lanterna
  • between Bojčić and Zagazinjine
    Valdarke – the guests in the comments on Google say that it is small and that there is no shade. But, that it is practical for those dogs that are encountering the sea and swimming in general for the first time. The beach is recommended if you want your dog to briefly cool off, since you can catch the shade only between 4 and 5 in the afternoon.
  • Kovčanje bay
  • Excellent beach for dogs and there is a parking lot and a café nearby. There is also a shower for dogs. It is rarely crowded and for many dog owners this is their favourite beach on Lošinj.
  • Čikat bay- The beach is located in the shade, it is suitable for morning swims as well as during the intense heat. Some guests, however, have written on Google that they believe the beach is too small. Still, most people are very satisfied with the beach and the fact that you can get to it by car.  

2. Veli Lošinj

  • the bay behind the Rovenska pier

3. Nerezine 

  • the bay behind the Saint Francis monastery in the direction of Osor

4. Artatore bay 

  • encompasses multiple beaches and the dog-friendly one is located approximately 200 metres to the left of the first parking lot. All of the bays are surrounded by a pine forest and the catering establishments are located nearby.

5. Susak – Tijesni bay

  • The beach is great for swimming and diving but there is no shade so have that in mind while planning. Sea urchins can be found on the sea bed so be cautious and watch your pets extra carefully.

6. Ilovik – Parknu bay

  • The strand and clear sea make the beach great for families with children and pets. It is located about 40 minutes walking distance from the village Ilovik.

7. Unije – Kambunare bay

Getting ready for the vacation and traveling with your dog

Before the trip to the seashore, prepare a basic plan for travelling with a dog, namely, a plan of the breaks when your dog will relieve itself and have a nice run. It is very important to buckle the dog in the seatbelt so that it cannot distract the driver or the passengers, but also so that it does not get hurt while braking.  

There are multiple different safety systems for car rides with dogs, for example, dog crates which can be tied to the back seat are suitable for small dogs. There are also dog safety belts and also nets and pet barriers which separate the dog from the passengers and give the pet some freedom of movement. This applies to going on the trip as much as it applies to travelling back from the trip. Of course, it is important to know how your dog generally reacts to long car rides but also how it reacts to going into the sea or possible crowds on the beach.    

Transportation of dogs and other pets on ships and catamarans is specifically regulated. Read some of the main rules of Jadrolinija below:

Transportation of pets such as dogs, cats, birds and other small animals is allowed.

They mustn’t pose as a risk or cause disturbance to passengers or the ship. Owners take full responsibility and are liable for any damage caused to the passengers, the crew or the ship.

  • Dogs on board need to have a muzzle on (excluding assistance dogs) and have to be kept on a leash.
  • Small pets are allowed to go in the lounges only if they are placed inside transport bags of the maximum dimensions of 45 x 35 x 25 cm and with a waterproof bottom. The total weight of the carrier with the pet cannot exceed 8 kg. The transport bag must be kept under the seat or in the lap and the number of bags is limited to one pet carrier per passenger. The transport of small pets is free of charge.
  • All other pet categories are prohibited to be transported via catamarans if the technical conditions on board are not met, particularly if the boxes (which should be booked and are charged extra) on the open decks on catamarans are unavailable.
  • In the case that a passenger complains about the behaviour of the animals that are located in the lounges, the captain of the ship has the right to request that the animal with the problematic behaviour be put in a box on the deck area if there is free space or on the open deck on the ferry. If there is no free space in the boxes, the captain has the right to have the pet owner and the animal with the problematic behaviour disembark from the ship at the next port of call without the right for a refund.

While choosing accommodation try to choose one with a backyard or garden so that your dog can play and run freely.

Make sure to bring:

  • medicine and a first-aid kit
  • their favourite food
  • familiar toys and other useful equipment for dogs so they can adapt to the new surrounding as soon as possible (and easier)
  • it is important to bring a blanket for the dog or a bed, depending on where it usually sleeps, since the smell of their favourite sleeping spot will surely make them feel safe and at home.

If you are a fan of camping, Camp Čikat on Lošinj provides their guests with a vacation in a surrounding that is adapted for dog owners. Namely, they offer Camping-Cum-Cane®  (Camping with dogs). The goal of the project is to make the cohabitation of campers who are dog owners and campers who are not, easier.

The project includes all of the important rules for dog owners, infrastructure that is adapted for dogs, specially adjusted dog training, individual and group education and different events and competitions which are run by their licenced dog trainer. The camp also offers mobile homes that are customized for pets and include small and big beds for dogs, terrace with fencing and food and water bowls.

How to make the summer heat easier on dogs?

Dogs have it especially rough during the summer heat and sultriness since their natural way of cooling off is then not enough. Namely, due to the lack of sweat glands on their skin, dogs cannot sweat, apart from panting. It is especially hard for them, same as for people, when they are out on the open and directly exposed to the sun.

We bring you ten tips on how to make the summer heat easier on your dog and how to cool them off:

  1. During the time when it is recommended for people to stick to the shade, between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m., your dogs should also be out of the sun as much as possible in order to avoid sun burns. Shade and plenty of water will also be of great help to them.
  2. If you know that your dog will be walking on asphalt for a longer period of time, it would be best if you would apply a protective gel to their paws. It is the same gel that is applied to dogs’ paws during winter because of salt on the roads. Of course, avoid hot asphalt as much as possible. Instead have the dog walk on grasslands or sand and make sure to check its paws when you come back home.
  3. Never trim your dog’s fur too short since the hairs help protect them from the heat. Some hair is trimmed, as are nails, since all kinds of pests and parasites can nest there.
  4. Always bring an extra bowl and water. It is not recommended to rely on your own assumption that water will always be at your disposal somewhere. Therefore, the recommendation is that you always bring a little bit more of something than you think will be enough. It is important to change the dog’s water multiple times per day but to not give them water that is too cold so you avoid pharynx and tonsils inflammation.
  5. It is important to gradually familiarize the dog with swimming and to monitor its reaction. Do not force your dog to go into the sea against its will under any circumstances.
  6. After bathing in the sea you can wash the sea salt from the dog’s fur since it irritates the skin under the fur if left there. Naturally, it is not necessary to give the dog a shower after every swim in the sea if the dog is not scratching and its skin or fur is not damaged. But if the dog is swimming in the marina or near the marina, where there are boats and a lot of oil, you should definitely wash your dog.
  7. Pay special attention if you want to share some of your food with your dog during the summer since food is more sensitive then and more prone to spoilage and your dog’s stomach will have a harder time handling it. It is even more common for your dog to eat someone’s leftover food scraps during a walk, so keep an eye on your dog.
  8. Protect your dog from fleas and ticks. In fact, if dogs get ticks, their already high body temperature during the summer can rise up even higher and become life-threatening.
  9. Never leave the dog alone in the car in the heat because that is the most common way for them to get a heat stroke. The temperatures in the car rise up to extremely high and life-threatening degrees in just a matter of minutes. If you must leave the dog in the car for a short period, leave several windows open so that the air can circulate and the car must be parked in the deep shade.

Certain dog breeds have a higher tendency of getting sunburns so pay special attention to them:

  • Dalmatian
  • whippets
  • white bulldogs
  • beagle
  • Peruvian hairless dog
  • Chihuahuas with light fur

How to recognize a heat stroke in dogs and what to do then?

With regards to the summer heat, it is good to know to recognize how a heat stroke looks like in dogs. In dogs, it is shown in several ways, the first symptoms are excessive panting, the skin is flaming, mostly inside the ear:

  • excessive panting or hindered breathing
  • glassy eyes
  • elevated heartbeat
  • weakness or, in general, stiffness of the body, lethargy
  • increased drooling and tongue sticking out
  • fainting
  • vomiting, diarrhoea

What to do if you dog is showing one of the symptoms of heat stroke? The most important thing to do is to immediately put them in the shade, give them water to drink, put towels soaked in cold water on their body (especially on their head). You can put the dog in a bath tub as well but the water should not be too cold since it can cause a shock to the organism and it further complicates the condition. After everything, call the veterinarian to ask the expert what to do next.

Veterinarian on Lošinj
If you need the vet while you are on a vacation on Lošinj, do not worry. There is a veterinary clinic in Mali Lošinj, at the address Del Conte Giovanni 9-11. The contact phone number is +385 51 231 973, and the e-mail is: ambulantalosinj@vetstri.hr.

Sports activities with dogs
If you love sports and activities with your dog, they can be great company even on your vacation:

  • if you run together it is important to watch out that the dog will not hurt itself so put a dog harness on it.  The pulls of the leash on the harness will not hurt the dog then. Moreover, an elastic leash, which you tie around your waist, is of great help since your hands are free then and the run is more pleasant.Definitely run on a natural surface, such as grass, earth or sand, so that the dog does not hurt its paws.
  • if you would like your dog to follow you on a bike ride, it is necessary to teach it not to run in front of the bike if it is running free or on a leash next to you. A harness and an elastic leash are here mandatory equipment for the sake of the dog’s safety and well-being.
  • if your dog loves swimming, that is also an additional activity and entertainment

Dog’s adjustment after coming back home

Similarly to people, a change in the routine affects the dog and it needs adjustment. The summer time, in which the dog is most often in the company of one of the household members, when it is often out and on trips, is surely your pet’s favourite period.

The dog will be more alone and in closed space, so adjustment to the new/old routine will be of great help to your beloved dog.

We bring you some practical tips in case your pet is struggling with getting used to staying at home.

  • It is useful if, a couple of days before going back to work or to school, you start getting your pet used to how it will look like when it will stay home. The first time you leave the house should be short and when you come back praise the dog for being good. Repeat this a couple of times and have your departure be a bit longer each time. It will help your dog understand that it should not worry because you will always come back home.
  • If your dog has a hard time adjusting in this way, then try this even earlier and in a different way. For example, let it stay alone in one room and after about 20 seconds come back and reward it for waiting. Gradually lengthen the separation time until your dog becomes relaxed and calm when you are not around. Proceed with the part of the adjustment where you leave the house only after this preparation. This type of training will help your dog a lot.
  • Favourite dog toys and treats can help in the process of adjustment. For example, when you go out, leave the dog its favourite toy and a tasty treat. This way, you leaving will be less stressful for the dog.
    We hope that these tips will help you plan and organize your trip with your dog before coming to Lošinj.